タ イ ・インドネシア・フィリピンの会計・税務



日本の税務・会計の専門家集団である朝日税理士法人グループと当社とをネットワークで結び、「タイ進出時」、「日本と海外との国際間取引における税務・会計に関する支援」など、日本親会社様と現地子会社様及び、日本の顧問税理士法人等とに同時対応いたします。 弊社オフィスはBTSサラデーン駅近く(徒歩3分)にあります。皆様のお越しを心よりお待ちしております。

ASAHI NETWORKS (THAILAND) CO., LTD. is an accounting firm with the philosophy to provide the high-quality professional services in the fields of accounting, tax and law to “Japanese companies planning to expand their business to Thailand“ and “Japanese companies that have already expanded their business in Thailand”. Through the professional network of Asahi Tax Corporation Group, we provide our professional services to our clients both in Japan and Thailand along with their current tax/accounting advisors.
Our office is located near the BTS Sala Daeng Station (3 minutes on foot).
We look forward to welcoming you.