タ イ ・インドネシア・フィリピンの会計・税務



AKM GLOBALは1981年創業の、従業員約600名のインド現地の会計税務事務所でございます。ジャパンデスクでは、日本語話者のインド人代表を筆頭に日本人社員が2名在籍しており、デスク開設から現地法人設立やインド会計税務、各種コンプライアンス対応等、幅広いサポート業務を200社以上の日系企業様へご提供をさせていただいた実績がございます。


AKM GLOBAL, established in 1981, is a prominent accounting and tax firm in India, employing approximately 600 professionals. Our Japan Desk is staffed by a team led by an Indian representative fluent in Japanese, along with two Japanese nationals, ensuring seamless communication and understanding. Since its inception, the Japan Desk has provided comprehensive support to over 200 Japanese companies, assisting with services such as market research, local entity formation, Indian tax and accounting matters, and a wide range of regulatory and compliance requirements.

With India’s rapidly evolving regulatory environment, we, as a firm deeply embedded in the country since our founding, are dedicated to guiding you through these complexities and contributing to the success of your business in the Indian market.

※ AKM GLOBAL/Ashok Maheshwary & Associates LLP は朝日ネットワークスのBUSINESS PARTNERです。